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How to use the spray preparations






In the dairy, the wine cellar, or in the fields, success and balance depend on the care and attention given to detail. The quality and precision when carrying out the work is more like an art than a technique.

Points to remember :

1° The Preparations

- Use only quality preparations that are completely "humified" and colloïdal in nature, that have been correctly prepared and stored by the moist method.

- Store Horn Manure (500 and 500P) in glass or sandstone jars (never use flowerpots or other porous containers). Place the storage jar in a peat-lined wooden storage box, lined with a minimum of 6 cm dried peat on all sides (including the lid). The preparations should never be in direct contact with the peat. Do not store preparations for more than one week if unequipped with suitable storage. Order only the quantity required for immediate use and remove the plastic wrapping immediately.

- Storage boxes for 500P or the compost preparations should be kept in a cool, healthy environment, free from any chemical or other pollution (noise, odors, electro-magnetic fields).

- Horn Silica (501) should be stored outdoors, in glass jars only in gentle sunlight. Keep away from all sources of electro-magnetic fields and noise pollution.


2° Water

- Use only good-quality water (pure, slightly acidic and low in mineral-content) such as rainwater, once the first 3 - 4 mm of water that has washed off the roof has been eliminated. Pure stream or spring water can also be used, providing it contains no lime (low-mineral content).

- Use only gas or wood (never use electricity) to heat water to 35/37°C before stirring. Water temperature should not exceed 37°C. Never mix hot and cold water. Do not use pre-heated water (water that has stagnated in a solar water heater, for example.) Water will cool slightly during stirring.

- Cultivate one's sensitivity in order to learn how to perceive water quality. Observe water in a crystal wine-tasting glass, for example. Use only water that has the capacity to receive light, and that has perfect organoleptic qualities.

- It is best to use purified rainwater.

- Pure spring water in granitic regions is good. Chalky water should not be used.

- Rainwater can be saved in a cement tank underground (stainless steel and enamel containers can also be used.) Use glass water jugs for smaller quantities. Avoid plastic materials; plastic containers for short-term water storage should only be used as a last resort.




3° Stirring

Manual stirring of volumes less than 120 litres should be vigorous for one hour. Energetic stirring will result in the formation of a vortex; reverse the stirring direction as soon as the vortex is formed; this creates a kind of bubbly "chaos". Alternate the vortex and chaos phases by stirring first in one direction, then the other, for exactly one hour non-stop.

Should you choose to use a mechanized stirrer with an electric motor, use a stirrer that has a sensitive, rhythmic, musical mechanism. At the present time, the only manufacturers of quality mechanized stirrers in Europe are Ecodyn and Biomecanicca. Stir for exactly one hour in the open air and light.

Australian-type mechanized stirrers are equipped with a sensor that triggers the right time to reverse the stirring direction. They have a dynamic rhythm and give good stirring results. Copper is a noble material. If using a mechanized stirrer, it is important to stir outdoors and in full light. Sunlight reduces the negative impact of electro-magnetic fields.

                   A wooden paddle for stirring is better than a twig broom.

4° Spraying

Filter the preparation carefully, with a fine-mesh stainless steel filtre, or a muslin (or similar) cloth.

Filtering ensures that no particles will block the spraying jet.
Do not exceed delays for spraying times following stirring : less than 2 hours for 500P and 3 hours for Horn Silica 501.

For manual spraying, use copper or stainless steel backpack sprayers, used for this purpose only.

For mechanical spraying, use low pressure for 500P, taking care not to allow any back-flow into the spraying tank.
High pressure should be used for 501 which should be sprayed in a fine mist. Sprayers should be used exclusively for biodynamic preparations and herbal teas and decoctions (no essential oils or terpenes).

Avoid using synthetic materials (plastic) as much as possible : for stirring, filtering, transport or spraying.

   Manual spraying of small areas (1-20ha) 


            Mechanical spraying for large areas



5° When to spray - ideal weather conditions and times

- Spray 500P in the spring and autumn, at sowing and planting times, when the soil is "receptive" i.e. warm and damp. Begin stirring after 3 pm solar time for 500P (beginning of stirring round 5 pm on the clock in summer). Spray immediately following stirring; spraying should be completed within the 2 hours following stirring.

- For Horn Silica (501) : Spray plants at height of growth or during maturation. Stir at sunrise, and spray immediately; spraying should be completed at most 3 hours following stirring and before it gets too hot.

- Avoid days considered unfavorable on the planetary calendar, especially nodes and moon and planetary eclipses.

- For 501, spray in accordance with the sidereal rhythm (root, leaf, flower and fruit days) and the Moon's opposition to Saturn, depending on what impulse you wish to accentuate. In sunny areas, avoid apogee days.


- Never use 500P as a leaf spray on overly-vigorous plants or when there is a strong tendency towards fungal disease.

- Never spray 501 on plants suffering from drought conditions.

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Les Crêts
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